Security & Compliance

HIPAA compliance
HIPAA compliance
Enhanced data protection
Enhanced data protection
Advanced security tools
Advanced security tools
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Security & Compliance
HIPAA compliance

HIPAA compliance

Elevated PHI protection
We follow HIPAA and HITECH standards for encrypted transmission and storage of PHI.

Encrypted data exchange
HIPAA-compliant encrypted record sharing, messaging, and reminders ensure safe communication.

Employee access settings
You have control over who in your office has access to notes, charts, and other private client information.
*group practice feature

Enhanced data protection

Enhanced data protection

Multi-location data security
Your data is backed up in multiple locations in compliance with HIPAA disaster recovery mandates.

Comprehensive audit trails
Our software system includes comprehensive audit trails so you can quickly detect unauthorized access or misuse of records.

24/7 data monitoring
We use a complex system of monitoring, including regular integrity testing, to ensure your practice data is safe 24/7.

Enhanced data protection
Advanced security tools
Advanced security tools

Advanced security tools

Third party vetting
We fully vet all of our partners to ensure they are committed to the same level of protection that we provide.

Secure payment processing
PCI-compliant credit card processing keeps your business safe from fraud and data breaches.

Account privacy protection
Secure client portals and two-factor authentication add an extra layer of security to staff and client accounts.

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Explore more features

Client Portal

Client Portal

One place for scheduling, billing, and secure, HIPAA-compliant messaging.

Billing & Claims

Billing & Claims

Integrated credit card processing, automated billing, and paperless payments.

Notes & Charting

Notes & Charting

Choose from our free library of SOAP and custom templates.

Scheduling & Reminders

Scheduling & Reminders

Flexible tools for making and keeping appointments.

Data & Reports

Data & Reports

Import existing client info, consolidate practice data, and generate reports.



Simplify claims with eligibility verification, easy filing, and automated tracking.



Conduct HIPAA-compliant telehealth sessions directly from your dashboard. *additional monthly fee

Need to make a report?

Report a security concern